Taiwan’s Oldest and Largest Professional Italian Wine Import Agency.
Ascent Way was founded in 1997 as an importer of high quality Italian wines, brand name coffee beans, and foodstuffs. For over 20 years, we have helped introduce Italian food culture to the Taiwanese public. Since its founding, Ascent Way has looked to change Taiwanese perceptions of wine being solely an item of luxury and extravagance. Ascent Way believes deeply that wine is not just about the price tag, but a way to open hearts and bring forth an emotive experience, paving the way for the exchange of warmth and ideas in an eternal spring of communication.
In line with the concept of savoring all the beauty that life has to offer, Ascent Way has continually looked for ways to introduce to the Taiwanese public a uniquely Italian enjoyment of food and wine. Since its founding, Ascent Way has represented 62 brand name wineries, sponsored numerous wine tasting events and cocktail parties.
飲酒文化的出現,必將帶領人類走向更高的巔峰。杜威曾經提過,所謂惡人,無論有過多麼善良的過去,也已滑向墮落的道路而消逝其善良性; 所謂善人,即使有過道德上不堪提及的過去,但他還是向著善良前進的人。這句話讓我們得到了一個全新的觀點去思考這個問題。
飲酒過量 有害健康